At TBUOQ, we are dedicated to providing innovative and high-quality electronics products that enhance your daily life. From cutting-edge gadgets to essential accessories, we strive to bring you the best in technology to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.


The Joker: Unleashing Chaos and Creativity

At TBUOQ Company, we are captivated by the enigmatic persona of the Joker. This iconic character from the Batman universe is more than just a villain; he represents a complex blend of chaos and creativity that resonates with us.Like the Joker, we understand the power of disrupting the status quo and pushing boundaries to drive innovation. Embracing the unpredictable and thinking outside the box are qualities that set us apart and fuel our passion for delivering unique solutions to our clients.Just as the Joker keeps Batman on his toes with his unpredictable nature, we aim to keep our industry competitors on edge by constantly evolving and adapting to new challenges. We thrive in situations that others may find daunting, using our creativity to turn chaos into opportunity.So here's to the Joker – a symbol of the untamed spirit that drives us to explore uncharted territories and revolutionize the world of business. Join us at TBUOQ Company as we embrace the madness and transform it into brilliance.



Canada, Vancouver, 2173 Zola Court Apt. 765


+ 1 615-818-3923